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Is Having One Gopher A Problem?

July 25, 2023

How Much Damage Can A Single Gopher Do?

If you've seen the classic 1980s movie Caddyshack, you are no doubt familiar with the comedy's rascally, troublemaking gopher. The clever rodent torments the greenskeeper throughout the movie, making a total mess of the golf club grounds. The greenskeeper tries everything to get rid of it and ultimately attempts to blow it up with dynamite at the end, but the gopher emerges unscathed and happily dances to the catchy tune "I'm Alright" as the credits roll.

Memorable, to be sure, but have you ever wondered just how destructive a pest must be to become a legendary pop culture icon for that characteristic in the first place? The truth is, that wily silver-screen critter is not a far cry from the real thing. You may have chuckled and cheered for the movie's victorious critter, but what happens when that destruction takes place in your backyard? Well, that's no laughing matter. Would you like to know how much damage a single one can do to your property? Turns out, it's a lot.

A Serious Concern In Northwest Arkansas

Most people call them gophers, but they are really pocket gophers, named after the fur-lined pouches in their cheeks. There are roughly 18 species native to North America, but in Northwest Arkansas and the River Valley, just a couple that cause trouble: Baird's and the Ozark.

They are large rodents, herbivores, tunnellers, and nonstop chewers, and the damage they do residentially, commercially, and agriculturally is extensive. All it takes is just one animal to perpetrate havoc, and they are primarily solitary except when females are raising their young. So, if you've spotted one on or near your property, there is likely just one, but one is all it takes. One gopher, one home, one heck of a mess. The first signs of damage you'll notice when a gopher has invaded your property are their many holes. They create gigantic burrow systems quickly and have been known to build as many as three new fan-shaped mounds daily.

With a gopher in residence, it's only a matter of time before your entire landscape becomes riddled with underground tunnels. These pests have long claws and sharp teeth that make them excellent excavators. One animal can displace as much as four tons of soil per year. But even worse, those tunnels are just below the surface, leaving your lawn dangerously susceptible to collapse.

Gophers have a voracious appetite for many types of greenery. Grass, roots, tubers, shrubs, flowers, vegetables, seeds, and even your trees are on the menu. They've also been known to fell trees just like beavers, although they are more likely to "girdle" them, removing a vital strip of bark at their base that often causes the tree to die. If left unchecked, a gopher can rapidly turn a lush landscape into a barren, brown wasteland. They have also been known to damage pipes, chew through wires, block drainage systems, and weaken other vital infrastructure such as foundations. So, restarting the router may not work well the next time your internet goes out.

Tired Of Dealing With Gopher Issues?

If that property damage doesn't make you sick, the animal might. Like many rodents, they can carry numerous diseases like hantavirus, leptospirosis, and even rabies. You don't have to be bitten to get sick, either. It is enough to just come into contact with their saliva, feces, or fur. Furthermore, they are usually crawling with lice, fleas, and ticks.

If you've discovered one on your property, you should not confront the animal yourself because it can be dangerous to handle. Not only because of the diseases but also because they may bite if threatened. But you also don't want to do nothing. Every day the animal remains is another day of costly destruction (and forget the dynamite.) Your wisest option is the assistance of a professional wildlife control company. You'll find none better than Natural State Wildlife Solutions in Northwest Arkansas and the River Valley.

When a gopher or other wild animal invades your space or causes trouble, Natural State Wildlife Solutions is the experienced local professional to take care of it. We pride ourselves on our humane solutions, friendly responsiveness, in-depth knowledge, and exceptional service. We'll have that gopher gone in no time, and then you'll be the one singing, "I'm Alright." Contact us today for an estimate.

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